Our Story

Davidic Centre is a centre of Reformation Lifestyles that are propagated throughout our ordained sphere of influence.
Initially established in 1997 as “Living Waters Breakthrough” Church, God changed the architecture, the nature and the purpose of us in 2006. The authorised release of Apostolic Reformation Spirit into the earth was captured primarily by our leadership. Thus, it initiated a transformational process inside of the senior leadership and consequently cascades into the whole community over time. The Davidic characteristics that were captured by our prophetic sightings facilitated the changing of our identity to Davidic Centre and the shaping of a new culture within the community.
While Davidic Centre (DC) is based in Wellington, New Zealand, there are individual members, families and people-groups joining remotely online from across New Zealand, Australia and the Pacific.

Manoj Ranchord
Manoj has served as an Associate Elder at Davidic Centre since late 2008. Manoj is married to Amreeta and they have four children.
Our Leaders

Josiah Qalovaki
Josiah Qalovaki is the Senior Elder of Davidic Centre. Josiah is married to Kiti and they have two sons. He is also a coordinator of the Global Congress WBN Leadership (GCL) having oversight of the Oceania region.

Ray Nafatali
Ray has served as an Associate Elder at Davidic Centre since 2001. Ray is married to Josie and they have three children.
Congress WBN (C-WBN) is a unique, faith-based organization affecting human, social and national transformation in nations throughout the earth. Congress WBN is a UK-registered charity.
Davidic Centre is an integral part of the Global Kingdom entity called Congress WBN (C-WBN) with the Senior leader, Josiah Qalovaki, a member of the Global Congress WBN Leadership.
For more information, see www.congresswbn.org.
Congress WBN

Our Vision
Davidic Centre is established by God to be a:
Kingdom Community where all leaders and every follower alike find their true calling and identity in God.
Functional centre of Reformation Lifestyle and Characteristics that is shaped by the Word of God; being an authentic representation of the Kingdom of God at the end of time; and in partnership with God to fulfilling His Ultimate Purpose in the earth.
Model of a finishing church in our jurisdiction of influence propagating God’s present truth and honourably representing God and His global move.
Strong governing Kingdom Community providing patterns of a finishing church represented in our authorized region of influence.
A people of passion that will implement Kingdom Impact and Government at every stratum of human interface within our authorized sphere
Centre of impact in our sphere in direct connection to our global church initiatives.
People Groups
In addition to the Sunday Community Gatherings, Davidic Centre provides targeted spiritual ministry for men, women, young people and children through their People Groups. Every People Group has established spiritual structures called Growth Groups (GGs) where peer to peer ministry for growth occurs. These structures support members for continuous fellowship, for help, for encouragement and for collaborative dialogues to ensure appropriate application of the Word of God in their daily lives.
The GGs constantly engage with the Word of God and with prayer while rehearsing the values and the mission of the community in a relevant and tailored way.
The Growth Groups within the People Groups are tailored to accommodate all the age groups so that they are relevant to our specific context at Davidic Centre at the time.